Many students and their parents are not consciously aware of a career in design. Design is a critically important, lucrative, and satisfying career path. It is also a career that is safe from automation.
Does your child enjoy drawing? Sketching is the cornerstone of a career in design, yet as our children grow older, we tend to discourage their natural tendency to draw and regulate sketching to free time entertainment. Compounding the situation is the fact many schools have abandoned art classes.
Children should be encouraged to continue drawing and sketching as it is a tremendous form of communication. Design is the foundation of many brands we aspire to, like Ferrari and Apple.
Design is also very competitive. Literally whoever has the best sketch, wins. This includes getting into the top design schools, getting the best jobs, or getting your design picked for mass production.
Today’s youth can get a head start and competitive edge. It starts with focus and validation of their sketching skills. Sketching is not just a talent, the skill can be taught and further developed.
Forward thinking companies are scouting high schools for talent, like in sports, drafting football athletes. Unfortunately, most students are ill-prepared.
Our fun, professionally mentored, beginner sketching workshops and online classes are curated for student and parent engagement - elevating skills and interest in the field of transportation design.
Design is also inclusive and our Sketchbattle JR workshops and online classes welcome students from all ethnicities, genders and communities.
BONUS: Beyond its educational and developmental benefits, sketching is inexpensive entertainment.
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA. The Academy of Art University industrial design college offers on-campus and online industrial design degree courses in the areas of product design, toys, furniture, transportation and more. www.academyart.edu
Art Center College of Design (ACCD), Pasadena, CA. Offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in a wide range of disciplines, included a degree in Transportation Design. www.artcenter.edu
Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA), Cleveland, OH. CIA prepares artists and designers for professional roles in the visual arts sector. It features an undergraduate Industrial Design Program. www.cia.edu
College for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, MI. CCS is one of the leading arts education institutions in the world. The Industrial Design Department offers courses in product design, furniture, and transportation design. www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. The School of Design (DAAP – College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning) offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in digital, fashion, graphic, and industrial design. Transportation is a track within the Industrial Design program. www.daap.uc.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, GA. Georgia Tech takes a humanist and forward-looking approach to designing things and environments. www.id.gatech.edu
Lawrence Technological University (LTU), Southfield, MI. The Architecture and Design Department offers undergraduate programs in transportation design, industrial design, interior architecture, digital arts and graphic design. www.ltu.edu
Pratt Institute, New York, NY. Pratt offers both undergraduate and graduate Industrial Design programs with transportation design classes. www.pratt.edu